Arts District
I received a text from my roommate saying she's in the Arts District and asked if I want to grab a drink. Left work, walked across the street and proceeded with excitement to meet my beautiful friend and her beau. So as the sun went down, we enjoyed our first Oktoberfest beers of the season along with great conversation and smiling on how the weather was finally cooling down here in Los Angeles. I love my friends and I love this city. Taken on IG This is Britt 35MM This is Garrett . He took the 35MM photos (on an Olympus 35 RC) featured on this post and has a really cool video he made on YouTube that you can see here "Noir Murder Mystery films from the late 40s" is what he said inspired him. Vanity and monsters, find it at 3rd & Traction 35MM 35MM Here is my song of the day, play it loud Britt is wearing American Apparel | My boots + top are...