Great American Nightmare's

Great American Nightmare | Blackout: Elements | Scary Rock Sunday I accepted an invitation to attend opening night at Rob Zombie’s Great American Nightmare. It was one fun wild ride and here is why: Greeted by the great Christopher of Sinful Celluloid upon my arrival, walked down the red carpet, and gazed upon creatures like these roaming the Bloody Boulevard. Collectively waiting outside in the dark for the mazes to open to the public – my eyes brighten up and I start to smile, quickly realizing that all three of these mazes are built INSIDE. No waiting in the cold for me, which scored serious points for me. Check out my Vine videos and photos to further explain my whole Nightmare experience . Begin: 1.) Visit the three mazes collectively as many times as you’d like in one night. 3.) Be ready to walk through complete darkness while THIS SONG is blasting on repeat and to possibly get sepa...